MON51 protocol

This describes parts of the protocol used by MON51, as found by reverse engineering.

All numbers are hexadecimal.


When the response differs, restart the handshake.

  1. Send 11
  2. Receive FF
  3. Send 11
  4. Receive 00


Commands follow this general structure:

  • 1 byte: type
  • data
  • 1 byte: checksum

The checksum is correct if the 8 bit sum of all bytes is 00.

02: Write memory

  • 1 byte: memory type
  • 2 bytes: address (high low)
  • 1 byte: length
  • data

Response: Same as 0E 00 01 (?)

04: Read memory

  • 1 byte: memory type
  • 2 bytes: address (high low)
  • 1 byte: length

Memory types

00 returns the program counter. Address and length appear to be ignored. 01 is the indirect memory. 02 is the external memory. 03 appears to return all zeroes. 04 is the direct memory. (internal, sfr) 05 is the code memory. 06 is unknown. 07 and higher appear to be test/debug sequences from mon51, multiplying a number by 2 each address.

06: Unknown

03 80 00 00 00

Response: 06 00

08: Get registers

08 00: Run up to

01 05 (start addr) 05 (end addr)

Response: 06 00 plus run, recover with resync

08 01: Get registers

01 00 00 00 00 00 00 (unknown)

Response: 02 A B R0-R7 DPTR PC C1 00 00 00 SP? 00

0C: Step into

Response: unknown

0E: ?

0E 00: Get instruction?


Response: 06 00

0E 02: ?


Response: 06 00

10: ??

10 01: set to run?

Response: 06 00

10 02: activate/break?

Response: 06 00

1B: stop

Handshake required after sending stop


02: Data follows

Only data bytes. Has checksum.

06: OK?

Often seen with 00 followed by the string V3.0 in ASCII, but it seems to be different after running.